Neuropsychological evaluations & treatment recommendations
Neuropsychological testing is comprised of interviews, questionnaires, hands-on problem solving, and computer testing, taking one to two days to complete. The actual tests and questionnaires used are based on the referral question/s and may include tests that investigate the following areas: mental health, personality, adaptive function (how one functions in the world on a daily basis), academic achievement, verbal thinking and reasoning skills, visual spatial/motor/constructive abilities (input, comprehension, and output), attention and ability to concentrate/focus attention, organization, planning, metacognition, behavior inhibition/disinhibition, learning and memory, sensori-motor function (putting together action with thoughts, feelings, and incoming information from our senses), and language skills (input, comprehension, and output).
Typically, a client will be provided with a lunch break and smaller breaks during the day to help prevent fatigue. Frequently, sessions are shorter for children and those who cannot tolerate longer appointments.
We will gather collateral information from family members, professionals, doctors, or teachers, as necessary, to enhance our understanding of the client’s challenges. It is helpful to bring medical records, school reports, and other professional’s reports to your first appointment or have them sent to us. Please ask your NW neuropsychologist what they would like you to provide.
Finally, all evaluation findings are shared with you, your family, and the appropriate professionals, with appropriate consent, in a straight forward and comprehensible manner.